Why you need Hyperbaric Oxygen for your Injury

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Hyperbaric Oxygen (Hbot) Therapy involves inhaling 100% oxygen at a greater than 1 atmosphere absolute (ATA) in a pressurized chamber. The positive therapeutic effects of Hbot are not snake oil but rather founded in centuries old gas laws of physics.

Henry’s Law of Physics- The amount of gas (oxygen) dissolved or absorbed into a fluid (blood plasma) is directly proportional to the amount of pressure on that gas. This is the law of physics that allows soda to be made. The gas in that case would be carbon dioxide.

When there is any type of injury or insult to the body, whether it is a broken bone, herniated disc, tendon or ligament injury, etc. the body needs concentrated nutrients and oxygen in order for optimal healing. Blood is made up of 3 components. White blood cells, red blood cells (hemoglobin) and plasma. Under normal circumstances only red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to the body.

But because of Henry’s law, when a patient is in a hyperbaric chamber it forces the concentration of oxygen into the plasma component of the blood more than 20 times the normal concentration. Because the plasma component of the blood bathes all of the most injured areas of the body including, muscles, joints, tendons, bones, ligaments, nerves, etc., this has an incredible healing effect on these injured areas.

Another clinical property of Hbot is that it causes constriction of blood vessels everywhere in the body which actually causes decreased blood flow. However, as discussed previously, because of the increased concentration of oxygen into the plasma of the blood the overall result is increased oxygen delivery to the injured tissues. Because Hbot constricts blood vessels it immediately decreases swelling of injured tissue anywhere in the body following traumatic injury. This effect is the most noticeable one that the athletes feel by using hyperbaric chambers in their homes between games. So many athletes now realize the benefits of Hbot and feel the benefits of the vasoconstriction which helps reduce the swelling they experience between competitions. Terrell Owens made Hyperbaric Oxygen a household name several years ago in coming back early from a serious injury to compete in the super bowl.

Another benefit of hyperbaric oxygen is that it has a very potent anti-inflammatory effect on injured tissues in the body. Several studies have revealed that Hbot has significant anti-inflammatory effects on injured tissue with equivalence to diclofenac. Diclofenac is a NSAID drug like Motrin, however, it is 10 times as potent as Motrin. With just one Hbot treatment it would have the physiological effect on injured tissue in the body as taking 14,000 mg. of Motrin, without the deleterious effects that someone would expect ingesting that quantity of Motrin.

Although it may take a few visits to feel the benefits of the therapy for your particular injury you will immediately feel the effects of the oxygen on your entire body. Almost 100% of patients report having the best night sleep they ever experienced following their first visit. If there is any visible swelling you will see a reduction while you are in the Hbot chamber. For instance, if you go in the chamber and your rings are tight after about 10 minutes you will be able to remove them comfortably. Almost everyone experiences an increase in mental clarity following the initial treatment.

Most people watch a movie during their time in the chamber as it makes the time fly by but you can listen to music, play games on your phone, read a book or magazine or just chill out and sleep or meditate. Yes, you can take your cell phones in with you but we encourage you not to so you may get the full relaxation benefits from the therapy.

The net effect of Hbot is actually a dichotomy in medicine as it decreases blood flow from constriction of blood vessels, which reduces swelling of injured tissue and increases oxygenation in the injured tissue which decreases inflammation.

Given all the indications above, Hbot is extremely beneficial to patients suffering from both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions and when administered at pressure greater than 1 atmosphere, oxygen can assume properties akin to a miracle drug without any of the side effects.

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