Rehabilitation & Pain Control Center


Dr. John Szostek Chiropractic Physician
Dr. Sanjay Madnani M.D. Pain Management Specialist
Dr. Anju Madnani M.D. Pain Management Specialist

107 E. Main Street Suite 309
Norristown, Pa. 19401

Specializing in:
Spinal Injuries
Soft Tissue injuries
Joint Injuries
Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Pain Control
Acute and Chronic Injuries

Office Hours:
Monday: 9am-1pm lunch 3pm-7pm
Tuesday: by Appointment
Wednesday: 9am-1pm lunch 3pm-7pm
Thursday: By Appointment
Friday: 9am-1pm Lunch 2pm-6pm
Saturday: By Appointment

At our clinic we are able to determine when a patient is not responding to a given course of care and quickly proceed to the next step on the treatment algorithm (the treatment algorithm progresses from conservative measures to more invasive procedures). Typically what is seen in work injury types of cases is a course of physiotherapy and manipulative treatment, followed by a referral to an Orthopedic, Neurologist or Pain Management physician later on in the case. In other words, it is not unusual to see work injury cases, which require the intervention of a pain management physician. In our multidisciplinary environment there is a seamless transition between the different treatment avenues. This allows us to address the more complicated cases in a shorter time frame — which typically results in better healing capabilities. The neuromusculoskeletal system has greater healing capabilities in the first four months following injury. Once the pain complaints extend beyond six months they are typically labeled as chronic and patients prognosis are generally considered poorer (they have more difficulty healing this long after a trauma).

Dr. John Szostek graduated from Life Chiropractic College west in 1997 and has been working in his own Clinics since 1998. Doctor Szostek Has focused his practice on rehabilitating injuries cause by trauma. Doctor Szostek has 18 + years experience working with injured workers. Dr. Szostek Clinics have managed and resolved thousands of injuries over the years and has played a key role in bring patient to Maximum Medical Improvement.

Dr. Sanjay Madnani is Board Certified in Pain Management. He is a specialist in treating chronic pain problems using comprehensive Modalities including advanced pain injections.

Dr. Anju Madnani is board Certified in Anesthesiology and Pain Management. She specializes in a variety of Interventional Pain Management techniques.

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