Reminder: Today, September 24, 2013 is National Voter Registration Day! Have You and Your Family Members Registered to Vote yet?

Attention Philadelphia Area Union Community and Supporters,

Just a Reminder that Today, September 24, 2013, is National Voter Registration Day!

In 2008, 6 million Americans didn’t vote because they didn’t know how to register or they missed their state’s voter registration deadline. We don’t want any eligible voter to miss out again!

As union members, it is vital that we are registered to vote so that we can vote on election day for those political candidates that support workers rights. Our vote is the ONLY thing standing in the way of right wing politicians eager to pass anti-union legislation such as “Right To Work” (for less less) legislation as well as legislation that would destroy our collective bargaining rights, prevailing wage rates and project labor agreements all which would cripple our union industry and put us out of work.

Have You and your family Registered To Vote yet? If not, please do so today! Your union wages, standards and livelihoods depend on it!

In Solidarity,

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