Protest to be held at the GAP Store at 34th and Walnut

– TODAY/Wednesday 5/15 at 1pm — A protest will be held at the Gap store at 34th and Walnut. The Gap purchases clothing made in Bangladesh, where the death toll from the Rana Plaza garment factory collapse now stands at over 1,000 lives lost.

Join us today at 1pm to demand that the Gap sign a legally-binding fire and building safety agreement for their suppliers.

Organized by Students Against Sweatshops and the International Labor Rights Forum.

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Since 2005, 1762 people have been killed in preventable factory fires and building collapses in the Bangladesh garment industry alone.

The Gap can help end the rising death toll in the Bangladeshi garment industry by signing on to a legally-binding fire and building safety agreement. Instead, the apparel giant insists on sticking with the same old self-regulation that is already failing workers.

Luckily we know how to get Gap’s attention: by taking this fight to Gap stores around the world.

We will meet at the corner of 34th and Walnut at 1pm.

Go to to learn more.