Dedicated To Teachers Everywhere

As I think back to the days of my youth and the lessons learned from many of the teachers I had in the classroom, I can appreciate the impact they would make on my life. For it was not until after I graduated and began to experience life in the real world that I truly understood the importance of the education and the tools that they instilled in me.

I remember one teacher told me that “School is like a rehearsal For Life, the more you practice, the better chance you have for success”. I also remember that same teacher telling me that some of the most important lessons learned from school happen after school at home.

It was when I had my own child did I realize that school is two part process that depends very much on what happens both in the classroom and at home.

Ultimately, Students need teachers to teach them in the classroom and structure at home to reinforce the classroom and thus the power of a learning starts at school and continues at home. One does not work as effectively without the other.

Dedicated to teachers everywhere who work hard to educate our children. The next time we see them on the picket line fighting for their livelihoods, let’s give them more support and thanks and less Blame.

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