Anti-Worker Bill HB 1507 Gets Pushed Back Another Week; Keep the calls coming, Keep the fight up

– 32BJ members and other union members are speaking out against anti-worker bills in Harrisburg and politicians are listening. Because of the thousands of phone calls and door knocks that SEIU and other union members have made, we were able to push back destructive anti-worker bill HB: 1507 another week.

Will you help keep the fight going? Come to a phone bank this week.

Tonight, Thursday, Feb. 20, 5:00-8:00pm
District 1201 Office: 455 N. 5th St. Philadelphia, PA 19123

Friday, February 21, 12:00-3:00pm
MAD Office: 42 S. 15th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102

32BJ members and members from many unions from across Philadelphia and PA. have been braving the cold to knock on hundreds of doors. 32BJ members like Audra Traynham connected with community members who are outraged about these out-of-state attacks on PA union members.

“While I was out knocking on doors in Delaware County, I spoke to a SEPTA worker who had just returned from the ER after being injured on the job,” said Audra. “He said that without his union, he would not have had access to good healthcare or the time he needed to recover from his injury. He insisted on taking action against HB: 1507 immediately and called his representative in Harrisburg!”

We’re keeping the pressure on, but the fight is far from over. The next date that HB: 1507 could come up is March 11. Over the next two weeks, we know that our legislators will be hearing from out-of-state corporate special interests who want to take away your rights. That’s why it’s more important than ever that they hear from us too!

Join Audra in fighting back. Volunteer for an hour or two at a phone bank this week.

When we fight, we win.

In solidarity,

Gabe Morgan
32BJ Vice President and Pennsylvania State Director