Urgent Action! Senate Appropriations Committee To Vote On Liquor Privatization Today!


– This is urgent, E-Mail Your State Senator Now, and then share this action page with all of your coworkers, friends, and family members.

Last spring, the State House passed HB 790, Rep. Turzai’s bill that would dismantle the State Wine & Spirits Stores and put 5,000 union members out of work and on the street. Because of your hard work and the pressure you brought, the bill stalled in the Senate last year, but now it has reared its head again.

The Senate Appropriations Committee is scheduled to bring up this bill TODAY! They have the ability to send HB 790 to the full Senate to be voted on, and it could potentially see Governor Corbett’s desk this week. If it reaches his desk, he has said that he will sign it – in fact, he has made this a signature issue of his election campaign.

This is a matter of protecting the jobs of 5,000 of our union brothers and sisters, but it’s more than that as well. If HB 790 passes, there will be thousands fewer active employees paying into the State pension system, and public safety will suffer as it becomes easier for underage or visibly intoxicated customers to purchase alcohol.

And don’t forget, we are currently three weeks away from the budget deadline, with a shortfall that is forcing difficult decisions on how to fund programs that impact all of us. It is deeply disturbing that the Senate is now considering a bill that would eliminate a strong and growing annual revenue source. If HB 790 becomes law, the lost revenue will mean more difficult decisions in the future that could take revenue from education, infrastructure, and human services.

Let’s stop this nonsense before it goes any further!

To Find and Contact Your State Senator on This Urgent Issue, Go To: http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/findyourlegislator/#address

Source – http://www.paaflcio.org/?p=4168&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=facebook