Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Unanimously Endorses Tom Wolf For Governor


– HARRISBURG, PA: Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President Rick Bloomingdale and Secretary-Treasurer Frank Snyder announced the endorsement of Tom Wolf for Governor in the General Election that will be held on Tuesday November 4, 2014.

Tom Wolf received a unanimous endorsement from the members of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Executive Council which represents over 800,000 union workers, the largest labor organization in Pennsylvania. The Council met in Harrisburg today.

In announcing the endorsement, Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President Bloomingdale utilized a theme of the Wolf campaign of a fresh start for Pennsylvania’s working families. “Tom Wolf will provide a new direction for Pennsylvania one in which working men and women are part of the solution instead of being viewed as the cause of the problems. Tom Wolf believes as we do that the best is yet to come and by bringing people and institutions together we can recapture and regrow the good jobs and decent wages that provide economic opportunities for all workers,” Mr. Bloomingdale said.

Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Snyder added “Pennsylvania’s workers are fed up with the current administration, which has focused on everything except what matters most to them. Tom Wolf is raising the issues that workers care about – the need to restore funding for education and infrastructure investments as the keys to creating jobs and expanding the middle class. Mr. Wolf understands that you grow an economy from the ground up and not from the top down. We will work just as hard in supporting and electing Tom Wolf Governor, as we are doing to defend good jobs, defend decent pensions, and defend our rights to a strong voice in the workplace and in politics,” Mr. Snyder added.

Tom Wolf expressed his appreciation for the overwhelming support and said he is looking forward to working with the working families of Pennsylvania in restoring and strengthening our schools and our economy.

“Over the last four years, our economy has struggled, our schools have suffered from misguided cuts, and Pennsylvania has fallen to the bottom in job creation. If we are going to strengthen Pennsylvania’s economy, we need to rebuild our middle class by making sure our policies place them on level playing field. At my company, I paid my workers a living wage, gave them great benefits, and even shared 20 to 30 percent of my profits with them. I will bring this same level of fairness to governing, and I will restore Tom Corbett’s drastic cuts to education and give our Commonwealth a fresh start,” Tom Wolf said.

President Bloomingdale and Secretary-Treasurer Snyder also announced the endorsement of Democratic State Senator Mike Stack for Lieutenant Governor. Mr. Stack has a very strong record of supporting workers as a member of the State Senate and is also a member of the Philadelphia chapter of SAG-AFTRA.

Pennsylvania AFL-CIO endorsements require a two-thirds majority of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Executive Council, comprised of representatives of labor unions and organizations affiliated with the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO. The Pennsylvania AFL-CIO will be making endorsements in races for Pennsylvania’s congressional seats, the State Senate and the State House of Representatives on July 9, 2014.
