PA. AFL-CIO Community Services 2014 Scholarship Essay Contest Winners Announced


– Every year the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO offers scholarships to affiliated union members and their families. The criteria for entering are broken up into three categories with different topics for each surrounding an opportunity for students to learn more about the importance of Organized Labor in America. Within each category there are three scholarships awarded in the amounts of $2000, $1000 and $500. We received 52 essays this year and can only hope this continues to build as we offer our scholarships for a higher education to our members and their families. This year’s winners consisted of union members and other family members from the following affiliates: AFSCME, Sheet Metal Workers, USW, IBEW, IATSE and APWU. We are happy to announce the winners of the annual scholarship essay contest for 2014.

The first category was geared towards graduating high school seniors regarding what makes unions appealing to young workers. The winning essays belonged to Alyssa Rosencrance, Danielle Brenneman and Megan Bresser. The second category was for all post-secondary students regarding how the focus on Right to Work legislation affects the economy. Scholarships were awarded in this category to Brian Shields, Chelsey Bryant and Jacob Potts. Category three focused on how unions strengthen communities and was awarded to affiliated union members attending an accredited institution. The winner in this category was David Levine.

Congratulations on a job well done and good luck in your future endeavors to all winners of this years’ scholarship essay contest! Keep your eyes open for the upcoming 2015 brochure as you may have an opportunity yourself in winning next year!

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