PA. AFL-CIO and Penn State Kick Off New Labor Leadership Training Institute


– President Bloomingdale and Secretary-Treasurer Snyder are helping kick-off a new innovative educational experience at Penn State University this week designed to help emerging union leaders further develop their skills to meet the future challenges.

The start of the Labor Leadership Institute begins at the Main Campus of Penn State University in State College, PA with an intensive four days of workshops and training sessions. Upon completion of these sessions, participants will be attending a series of three, two-day seminars during the year, and will graduate at the conclusion of the second four day seminar to be held next May.

The Penn State University School of Labor and Employment Relations and the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO are the co-sponsors of the Labor Leadership Training Institutes. The program is based upon a series of in-depth discussions with top officers from Pennsylvania’s leading unions. These discussions identified specific challenges facing labor unions in Pennsylvania and are incorporated into the training curriculum. The Leadership Training Institute is modeled after the successful Cornell University/NY State AFL-CIO Union Leadership Institute, which is one of the top advanced union leadership programs in the country.

President Bloomingdale and Secretary-Treasurer Snyder express their appreciation and gratitude to the leadership of all of the unions who participated in the discussions and the development of the curriculums. “Without the time and the valuable insight provided by Vice Presidents and our affiliates we would not have a program that is relevant and valuable to emerging leaders here in our State,” President Bloomingdale said.

President Bloomingdale and Secretary-Treasurer Snyder also expressed their thanks and appreciation to the dedication and efforts of Dr. Paul Clark, Professor and Director of the School of Labor and Employment Relations; Doug Allen, Professor of Practice of the School of labor and Employment Relations; and Stu Bass, Director of Keystone Development Partners. They are playing instrumental roles in not only bringing all of the pieces together, but also in helping conduct the workshops and training.

“We believe that this institute will help instill the spirit of organizing to create the culture of change needed to build and grow our unions and the labor movement for a better future for our unions, and for all of Pennsylvania’s working families,” Secretary-Treasurer Snyder said.

Another key to the success of the learning experience is diversity of union leadership and unions whom are participating in the program, including representatives from the building trades, industrial, service, and professional unions. Enrollment and diversity goals have been met for the 2014-2015 training programs.

To learn more about the Pennsylvania Labor Leadership Institute please visit their website at
