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Austerity Discredited, Not Defeated. Time to Fight for Jobs and Growth

By Roger Hickey – (Huffington Post)

For four long years after the recession officially ended, conservative austerity policies have sabotaged America’s economic recovery, condemning millions of Americans to unemployment and poverty.  And in Europe, the same policy regime of spending cuts aimed at deficit reduction has thrown most of the continent back into recession.

Austerity has been intellectually discredited in recent months.  But conservative spending cuts still dominate policy.  And last week’s jobs report shows public sector layoffs are still a serious drag on the US economy.

Economists at the Political Economy Research Institute found fundamental flaws in the work of Harvard’s Reinhart and Rogoff — up until then conservatives’ best case for austerity.  But, despite this intellectual victory, sequestration still cripples our recovery.

Officials at the IMF and the World Bank admitted their demands for more austerity in Europe had been misguided.  But German bankers are still imposing severe budget cuts as the price for financing the debts of southern European countries.

The Center for American Progress, previously strong supporters of President Obama’s search for a deficit reduction “grand bargain,” came out against austerity as having harmed US and European growth and called for a policy “reset” rejecting further spending cuts.  But in September or October, conservatives in Congress are getting ready to hold the world economy for ransom by (once again) refusing to raise America’s debt limit until the President agrees to another round of damaging spending cuts.

Americans have a choice:

We can pretend that the economy is recovering.  We can try to convince ourselves and our neighbors that job creation that leaves more than 23 million people in permanent unemployment or underemployment represents the best we can do.

Or we can take action to achieve full employment soon – not by the end of the decade.

Step One: we need to break the grip of conservative austerity policies.

Cong. John Conyers and colleagues have introduced a simple bill that would get rid of the sequester.  Conservative economists a Macroeconomic Advisers estimate that would prevent the eradication of at least 700,000 jobs and allow the economy to grow by close to 1 percentage point faster.  So, let’s convince Congress to act.

Another debt ceiling fight is looming. President Obama has promised that this time (in September or October), he won’t give in to conservatives demands for job-killing conditions. Let’s back him up:  No more damage to our fragile recovery.

Step Two:  Stopping austerity would take the conservative foot off the brakes.  But that’s not enough.  We also need to step on the jobs accelerator.
The Back to Work Budgetof theCongressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is the best plan to spur jobs and growth. The Economic Policy Institute describes its impact:

Promoting job creation and economic recovery. The Back to Work budget would sharply accelerate economic and employment growth; it would boost gross domestic product (GDP) by 5.7 percent and employment by 6.9 million jobs at its peak level of effectiveness (within one year of implementation).

Targeting a full-employment economy. The budget would rapidly restore the unemployment rate near to pre-recession levels of 5 percent.

Restoring full economic health. U.S. economic output is currently $985 billion (5.9 percent) below potential, and the economy is projected to remain 6 percent below potential in 2013 under current law. The budget would effectively use fiscal stimulus to restore actual GDP to potential GDP–the key barometer for restoring full employment in the economy.

Financing job creation and public investments. The budget finances roughly $700 billion in job creation and public investment measures in 2013 alone and $2.1 trillion over 2013-2015. This fiscal expansion is consistent with Economic Policy Institute estimates of the fiscal support needed to rapidly restore the economy to full health (Bivens, Fieldhouse, and Shierholz 2013).

Targeting a sustainable debt level. After increasing near-term borrowing to restore full employment, the budget gradually reduces the debt ratio to a fully sustainable 68.7 percent of GDP by FY2023.

But, wait, you say:  a plan as ambitious and as expensive as the Back to Work budget would never pass – not in this Congress.  And you would be right.  But that is true of any jobs plan, given conservatives’ ability to prevent any bold action.

Should we instead shift from jobs for all to better wages?

Many organizers and groups, feeling full employment is politically impossible, have focused on raising wages and improving job quality, sensibly trying to reverse the decades of dynamics shifting income away from workers and to the rich:  fighting for union rights, raising the minimum wage, for a better trade policy that creates good jobs, and a shift increase wages in the growing service sector.  These campaigns are vital – and to the extent they succeed, higher wages stimulate jobs and economic growth.

But in a paper published by CEPR (Center for Economic and Policy Research), University of Iowa Historian Colin Gordon shows that a big part of the cause of declining wages story over past decades “is simply slack in the labor market.”

“Over the past generation, the only respite from unrelenting downward pressure on wages came during a brief spell of full employment in the late 1990s.  Those years saw wage gains across the board, closely resembling the shared prosperity of the 1947-1973 era.  But on either side of that boom, when high rates of unemployment were the norm, wages (especially for those at the median and below) fell steadily.”

So, while we work to raise wages on the jobs we actually have, we should remind our policy-makers that creating more new jobs has a big impact on achieving higher wages.

Therefore, this may be one of those rare times when boldly telling the truth about what it will take to truly achieve our full employment policy objective represents good politics – because claiming that full employment can be achieved based on momentum alone in the face of serious headwinds (as Democrats argued in the run-up to the disastrous 2010 election) simply won’t work.  Americans, battered by years of slow growth and a bad economy, want the truth.

There are plenty of other plans, each more or less ambitious about job creation and growth:

Economic Policy Institute:  Investing in America’s Economy

Prosperity Economics

Cong John Conyers: Jobs-For-All Bill

Center for American Progress: “300 Million Engines of Growth

Senate Budget Committee Chair Patty Murray’s:  Foundation for Growth: Restoring the Promise of American Opportunity

Perhaps the most cautiously packaged of these jobs proposals is President Obama’s
American Jobs Act, first released and introduced in September 2011 – and then in updated version in early 2013.  The President proposed

Social Security tax cuts and tax reductions for small businesses, a total of $447 billion in spending, including $130 billion in job creation through infrastructure and creation of new jobs, and $65 billion to increase teacher numbers and modernize schools.

Representative Frederica Wilson (D-FL) will soon announce a modified version of that Obama plan, which she calls The American Jobs Act of 2013.  She confronts austerity by ending sequestration.  And, concerned about undermining Social Security, she replaces that tax cut with tax credits to give low- to moderate-income Americans greater purchasing power and offset the impact of the recent reinstatement of the full payroll tax.  It also provides tax credits to small businesses for hiring out-of-work veterans and making new job-creating investments.

The rest of her plan is pretty close to President Obama’s jobs plan.  And she will remind Americans that, according to independent analysis by Moody’s, the Obama plan would have created 1.9 million jobs and boosted growth by two percent if passed when originally introduced.

Some may object that this is pretty small, compared to the Back to Work Budget.  But for that very reason, the American Jobs Act of 2013 could be a good test of which Representatives and Senators are willing to support anything at all to create jobs.

Ask questions and take names:

Who is willing to oppose austerity

By repealing the sequester?

And by raising the debt limit without job-killing conditions?

And who is willing to step on the job creation accelerator by – at the very least — supporting the American Jobs Act of 2013?

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Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO Listening Sessions Provide Ongoing Conversation About Building a Workers’ Movement

The Philadelphia AFL-CIO  Listening Sessions are an ongoing conversation about building a workers’ movement that can win power in a globalized economy, drawing on the strength of every type of organization: including student groups, organized labor, faith-based communities, seniors, community organizations.  Don’t miss out on the conversation!

Next Session:

Tuesday, July 9th

6:00 – 7:30 PM

Transport Workers Union Local 234, 500 N. 2nd St, Philadelphia (1/2 block south of Spring Garden)

TOPIC: Building genuine, durable community partnerships and effective grassroots power

Please email Nick Alpers at: to RSVP.

An Independence Day Message From

Dear Friends and Family of the Philadelphia Area Labor Movement and Beyond,

As we celebrate Independence day and the independence that our forefathers fought so hard to obtain and maintain for our country, let us also celebrate and remember the forefathers of the labor movement, who also fought hard for our rights as a union movement to organize and bargain collectively so that we may have the opportunity at a living wage, proper working conditions and benefits for our families.

Let us also remember that we face constant attacks on these rights as union members and that our fight is NEVER over. Thus we can use the example set by the forefathers of our country to NEVER give up and ALWAYS fight for what we believe in!

Happy Independence Day In Solidarity!

Workers Win PA: Governor Goes 0 For 4 On Pensions, Privatization, Lottery, and Prevailing Wage

From PA. AFL-CIO –

Thanks To The Activism Of Workers Across The State Governor’s Anti-Worker Agenda Is Derailed

This year began with the Governor promising an onslaught of anti-worker legislation designed to drive down wages, privatize public institutions, and undermine retirement security.  Many of these initiatives came closer to passing than they ever have before.

– In March the House approved for the first time a plan to expand and privatize liquor sales, a move that would have cost thousands of families their livelihoods.

– Only two years after the major pension reforms of Act 120, and the significant concessions made by workers to speed the recovery of SERS and PSERS, legislation was introduced in both the House and Senate that would further reduce benefits for current employees and eliminate pensions for all new teachers and State workers after 2015.

– A package of right-to-work bills and more than a dozen bills designed to undermine prevailing wage laws were introduced in the House, and two of the prevailing wage bills made it to third consideration and were poised for a full vote in the House, something that has not happened in Pennsylvania for decades.

– And earlier this year, our Attorney General Kathleen Kane was the only thing that stood in the way of a British company taking over the management of the Pennsylvania Lottery.

With the members of the State House now home in their districts until September 23, it is time to declare that, for now, Pennsylvania workers have won on all of these issues!

Over the past several months, and particularly in the past week, we have been encouraging all of you to write and call your legislators in the House and Senate, to urge them to vote in the interest of working families in Pennsylvania, and the response has been overwhelming.

The many thousands of e-mails and phone calls that you made to your Senators and Representatives let them know that working families in Pennsylvania were watching their votes closely, and that you were invested in these fights.  Your calls and e-mails, tweets and Facebook shares complimented the hard work of union members and allies who were in Harrisburg every day, crowding the halls of the Capitol, filling committee meetings, or rallying on the Capitol steps.  You absolutely helped to kill these attacks on workers through your activism and vocal opposition.

These battles are not over.  We expect an even harder fight in the fall to prevent these and other attacks on workers from reaching the Governor’s desk.  But if we remain, as we have been, a united Labor Movement; if we reach out to our fellow workers and encourage them to raise their voices with ours; and if we visit our Representatives and Senators in their district offices over the summer, then we can continue to hold the line on these issues that are so vital to the lives of millions of Pennsylvanians.

Thank you for all you have done this year to stand up for and defend Pennsylvania’s working families; and congratulations for all you achieved!

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Thanks Coach, Now Lets Pay It Forward Philadelphia PA!

I want to give a shout out to my old high school football coaches Bob Wagner, Mike Gibbs, Rocky and company for their commitment to bringing more out of me than I ever thought possible in the days of my youth.

Everyday whether in my family life or my business life, I benefit from running those 100 yd wind sprints and use those lessons you taught me, including to NEVER give up, to work hard as a part of a team, to believe in myself, to have discipline and to get up whenever I get knocked down, in my never ending journey towards success! I CAN NEVER EVER REPAY YOU for the things that you taught me that far exceeded just football that I use EVERYDAY in my life.

I only hope that the Philadelphia School District, The City of Philadelphia and the State of Pennsylvania officials read this and understand what I’m talking about before they discontinue sports, art and music so the school kids of today may continue to have the same opportunities that I had in my life that literally saved my life!


Joe Dougherty.
Philly Labor