Author Archives: Joe Doc
Sat, 11/16 @ 3PM: DC 33 President Greg Boulware & VP Antoine Little
The Labor Show w/JDoc & Krausey Presents An Hour w/District Council 33 President Greg Boulware and Vice President Antoine Little as The Represent Their Members Valiantly In The Face Of Possible Strike with their Employer, The City of Philadelphia on WWDB Talk 860 AM
Happy Veteran’s Day From, We Thank You For Your Service!
Today and every November 11, we celebrate Veteran’s Day and honor those generations of heroes, of yesterday and today, who have served our great nation! It is because of their efforts and those who made the ultimate sacrifice that we enjoy the freedoms we sometimes take for granted everyday!
It is important that we remember how we got those freedoms and how we maintain them through the commitment and bravery of generations of our service men and women who have fought to make America the “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!!!
To all of our Veterans including the many who are members of America’s Labor Movement and our current service men and women,
Thank You!
Happy Labor Day In Solidarity,
Your Friends at
Sat, 11/2 @ 3PM: The Labor Show w/JDoc & Krausey Presents a MARINE CORPS-LAW ENFORCEMENT FOUNDATION/MCLEF Special
Today, 10/26 @ 3PM: PFT 3 President Arthur Steinberg On The Labor Show
- The Labor Show w/JDoc & Krausey Presents Philadelphia Federation of Teachers Local 3, President Arthur Steinberg on WWDB Talk 860 AM