9/29 – Just One Week Left For Pennsylvanians To Register To Vote; October 6 Is The Deadline

By the PA. AFL-CIO

– The October 6 deadline to register to vote in Pennsylvania is just one week away, which means there is not much time to be sure your voice is heard on Election Day. If you are already registered, why not get some family and friends registered before we hit the deadline?

There are multiple ways to register to vote. You can register to vote in person by visiting a County Voter Registration Office.

You can register to vote by mail through one of two ways. One way is to request a Voter Registration Mail Application from the state or federal government. The Secretary of the Commonwealth and all county registration commissions supply Voter Registration Mail Applications to people who request them. Also, you can email ST-VOTERREG@pa.gov with the subject line: “Request Voter Registration Mail Application.” Be sure to include your full name, home address and number of requested registration forms in the email.

You can download a Voter Registration Form and either mail or deliver in person to a County Voter Registration Office. Locations of County Voter Registration Offices are conveniently printed on the form.

You can register to vote at a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) photo license center when you obtain or update your driver’s license. You can also register to vote at multiple other government agencies such as state offices that provide public assistance and services to persons with disabilities, Armed Forces Recruitment Centers, County Clerk of Orphans’ Court offices (including each Marriage License Bureau), Area Agencies on Aging, Centers for Independent Living, County Mental Health and Mental Retardation offices, student disability services offices of the State System of Higher Education, Offices of Special Education and DA Complementary Paratransit offices.

Don’t let the October 6 deadline pass you by. There are multiple ways to register so there is no excuse to go unregistered. Make sure to get yourself, your friends and your family registered and vote for Tom Wolf on November 4.

Source: http://www.paaflcio.org/?p=4575