Take Action! Monday Is Critical Vote For Future Of Pensions In PA! (Stop Corbett’s War On Pensions!)


– Governor Corbett made his intentions clear this week, he is even willing to miss the budget deadline so that he will have more time to push his extreme tea party agenda.

Gov. Corbett and his friends like Representative Tobash and Senator Wagner aren’t looking for fair solutions. They are waging an ideological war against workers and want to get rid of pensions once and for all. We need to draw a line in the sand now. It’s time for all of us to speak out and say we’ve had enough.

To E-Mail Your Legislators Now, Go To: http://act.aflcio.org/c/236/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=8707

The legislative proposals on the table would do nothing to reduce the debt that had been created through years of underfunding by the State, but they would all but eliminate any sort of retirement security for public workers. In spite of these facts, Corbett is pushing ahead and demanding action on this bankrupt agenda, because for the Governor and his allies in the House and Senate this is not about crafting good policy that works for Pennsylvania, this is about scoring an ideological victory in their war against workers.

We have beaten back these attacks several times before, but in order to win, we have to be successful EVERY time – Corbett and his anti-worker allies only need to manage one successful vote!

Don’t let Monday be the day that the anti-worker agenda succeeds in Pennsylvania!

To E-Mail Your Legislators Now and Demand that they stand with workers and OPPOSE Corbett’s extreme attacks on pensions, Go To: http://act.aflcio.org/c/236/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=8707

Source: http://www.paaflcio.org/?p=4210