By American Postal Workers Union (AMPU) – A document unearthed in proceedings before the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) reveals why the APWU is adamant that the Postal Service’s deal with Staples – and others like it – must be…
“Paycheck Deception” legislation begins march through House
By Jason Gottesman – So-called “paycheck protection” legislation that passed the Senate in October began its way through the House Tuesday as the House State Government Committee sent Senate Bill 501 to the full House along a party-line vote. According…
Philadelphia AFL-CIO Bulletin, January, 2016
Philadelphia area RNs say Union YES! In separate elections overseen by the National Labor Relations Board over the past week, registered nurses at two area hospitals voted to become members of the Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals….
Philadelphia Works: Building a Skilled and Thriving Workforce
Attention: All Interested Individuals, – If you are unemployed, laid-off, looking for your first job, or simply want to advance or change your career, this is the right place to start. Check out the resources located on this site, to…
Hahnemann nurses vote to join union
By Jane M. Von Bergen, Inquirer Staff Writer – Hahnemann University Hospital nurses voted Wednesday in favor of joining a union, the Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals (PASNAP). Voting in the National Labor Relations Board-supervised election ended…