– During the Holiday Season, it’s common for us to reflect on how difficult this time of year is for families in poverty, and even engage in charitable acts of kindness. While this is a tradition that will—and certainly should—continue…
AFSCME District Council 33 Hosts Holiday Food Drive for Families In Need!
– AFSCME District Council 33 is hosting a Food for Families Holiday Food Drive from now through January 8, 2014. Help them help families in need this holiday season! Please bring NON-perishable items to the Drop Boxes on the main…
U.S. Worker Output Rises at Best Pace in 4 Years
By AP / Josh Boak — U.S. workers boosted their productivity from July through September at the fastest pace since the end of 2009, adding to signs of stronger economic growth. The Labor Department said Monday that productivity increased at…
On the One Year Anniversary of Newtown, We Remember, We Honor and We Fight For Safer Schools
In Their Memory – On this, the one year anniversary of the tragedy in Newtown, Philly Labor dedicates all posts to the memory of the brave teachers and beautiful children who senselessly lost their lives that day. In honor of…
Job Protection Isn’t Enough: Why America Needs Paid Parental Leave
By Heather Boushey, Jane Farrell, and John Schmitt – Twenty years ago, the Family and Medical Leave Act, or FMLA, was signed into law. The FMLA granted certain workers new and important rights, including the ability to take up to…