By The PA. AFL-CIO – Please be advised, a major effort is now underway in Pennsylvania, funded by many of the same out-of-state billionaires and PACs that brought Right-To-Work (For Less) laws to Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan. The legislation being…
Poll: Voters want unemployment aid extended and minimum wage raised
By Laura Clawson A new poll finds Democrats on the winning side of two major issues of 2014: unemployment aid and the minimum wage. Quinnipiac finds 71 percent support for raising the minimum wage and 58 percent support for extending…
Philly Labor Gives Kudos To Teamsters Local #830 Business Manager, Danny Grace!
PhillyLabor would like to thank Danny Grace, Business Manager of Teamsters Local 830 for his appearance and inspirational speech as the Guest Speaker at the PhillyLabor Business To Labor Meet and Greet last night at the Ironworkers local 401 union…
State leaders negotiating on possible new liquor privatization plan. (Phillylabor Editorial Included)
(Scroll Down Below The Story for a Editorial Reply) By Brad Bumsted HARRISBURG — House and Senate leaders are negotiating a plan with the governor’s office that eventually could phase out state-owned liquor stores and expand private sales of…
President Bloomingdale Calls For Raising The Minimum Wage To Ensure Dignity And Create Jobs
By The PA. AFL-CIO President Bloomingdale, speaking Monday morning on WITF’s Radio Smart Talk told listeners that “Now is the time to raise Pennsylvania’s minimum wage – to provide dignity for all workers, and to put more money back into…