By The PA. AFL-CIO – This week, Pennsylvania saw the largest grass roots mobilization of workers since the huge rally at the Capitol in January. On Monday and Tuesday in Pittsburgh, well over 1000 individuals braved single-digit temperatures and sub-zero…
Union Members Pack Courtyard In York City To Call On Legislators To Oppose HB 1507
By the PA. AFL-CIO Union members and labor leaders from across Central PA held a press conference in York Pennsylvania on Wednesday, March 5 and accused some in the legislature of union-busting. They urged area State Representatives to oppose legislation…
Philadelphia Principals Asked To Take Deep Pay Cuts
By Mike DeNardo PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Philadelphia principals tonight heard about the serious givebacks included in their tentative contract agreement with the financially-struggling school district (See Previous Story). The deal calls for principals to be paid as 10-month instead of…
Darrell Clarke Sets May 20th Special Election For Open Philadelphia Council Seat; Ed Neilson Early Frontrunner
By The Philly Public Record – In time to make it an interesting race, Council President Darrell Clarke has issued a writ of election to fill the seat vacated by Councilman at Large Bill Green whose appointment by Gov. Tom…
FOP 5 President John McNesby is Featured Speaker at Tonight’s PhillyLabor Meet and Greet Event Welcomes FOP #5 president John McNesby as the guest Speaker at Tonight’s (3/5) Meet and Greet Event to be held at District council 21 Painters and Allied Trades Union Hall. – One of the highest profile union leaders in…