By The PA. AFL-CIO – For the Wisconsin labor movement, March marks a bitter anniversary. Three years ago, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed Act 10, stripping most of the state’s public employee unions of their ability to collectively bargain. For…
DC-9/Graphics Communications Union 14-M President, Kurt Freeman and Graphics Communications Union 16-N, President, Joe Inemer To Speak at Philly Labor Event.
– As part of the Union Leader Meet and Greet Event Series, the PhillyLabor Business To Labor Network is excited to feature DC-9/Graphics Communications Union 14-M President, Kurt Freeman and Graphics Communications Union 16-N, President, Joe Inemer as the guest…
Corbett is undermining public worker unions
By DONALD C. SIEGEL International Vice President IBEW, Third District – With his approval ratings sagging and Pennsylvania ranking 46th in job growth, Gov. Tom Corbett needs to distract voters as he faces re-election. That seems to be at least…
Privatization Without Consideration For the Workers; Stop The Sale of PGW!
By – Imagine you’re married with children and you’ve spent the last 20 + years working your fingers to the bone and dedicating your entire life to a city or state run organization that you thought would be your…
Bipartisan Unemployment Insurance Deal Reached In Senate
By Sam Stein WASHINGTON — A bipartisan group of senators has reached a deal to extend federal long-term unemployment insurance for five months. The deal, which comes after months of negotiations, would be distributed retroactively to when the benefits expired…