would like to thank DC-9/Graphics Communications Union 14-M President, Kurt Freeman and Graphics Communications Union 16-N, President, Joe Inemer for being the featured guest speakers at our Philly Labor Meet and Greet Event last Wednesday. Both Joe and Kurt…
Plan would expand Sunday booze sales in Pa., but keep the LCB in control (and save thousands of jobs in the process)
By Jeff Frantz – There’s a new proposal to modernize — not privatize — Pennsylvania’s state store system, with the aim of putting more money in the state coffers. State Rep. Gene DiGirolamo, R-Bucks County, announced his plan Thursday in…
Why IBEW 98 Bus. Mgr. John Dougherty wants subway extended to Navy Yard
By Peter Van Allen – One of the advocates of extending the Broad Street Subway into the Navy Yard says he’s gotten assurances from the elected officials that there would be support — and money — for the project. John…
How to Thank Philadelphia Principals for Their Pay Cut? Let Them Do Their Jobs.
And five reasons we should all be grateful. By Gene Marks – This week, and by an overwhelming 83% margin, the union representing Philadelphia’s high school principals agreed to enormous pay cuts, a 10-month work year, and to contribute more…
Postal Service to reduce workforce by 10,000
By ANDY MEDICI – The Postal Service plans to shrink its workforce by 10,000 positions in fiscal 2015, according to Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe. The reductions will be entirely through attrition — there will be no buy-outs or reductions in…