By Jim Melwert – Septa and two unions representing Regional Rail workers met with the National Mediation Board in Washington today. The board held the hearing with Septa and the two unions representing about 400 engineers and electrical workers on…
Executive Order Will Make It Harder For Federal Contractors To Violate Workers’ Rights
By Alan Pyke – A new executive order from President Obama will make it harder for companies to win federal contracts if they violate their workers’ rights and withhold their wages, the White House announced Thursday. Under the new rules,…
Philadelphia Federation of Teachers Hosts “Fight Back for School Funding” Rally”
By The Philadelphia Federation of Teachers Governor Corbett’s allies have once again derailed cigarette tax legislation that would have helped Philadelphia’s schools open in September. Without the revenue from the cigarette tax, our children will lose even more critical programs…
Vote on cigarette tax for Phila. schools postponed
Associated Press – The Pennsylvania House of Representatives’ vote on a cigarette tax that would provide funding for Philadelphia schools has gone up in smoke. The Pennsylvania House of Representatives’ vote on a cigarette tax that would provide funding for…
Upcoming Labor Leader Schedule On Today In PhillyLabor Radio (August 2014)
Friends of Labor, – Please See The Upcoming Labor Leader Schedule For Today In Phillylabor Radio For August 2014. Tune In Every Wednesday at 6pm to WWDB 860-AM and See What all the Talk Is About! In Solidarity, Joe Dougherty…