Question: In the Governor’s Quest for liquor store privatization, What happens to the over 5000 men and women who work in Pennsylvania’s Wine and Spirits System who will all be losing their jobs?
Any Thoughts Mr. Governor and members of the The Pennsylvania House’s Liquor Control Committee who voted for this unprecedented job killing legislation?
“This is one of the worst job-killing bills in my memory to be approved by the State House of Representatives, and I have been around here for more than 30 years. How can anyone vote in good conscience to throw thousands of dedicated, hard working men and women, and their families on the unemployment lines, especially when Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate is going up. We urge the leaders and members of the State Senate to reject this cruel, heartless, job-killing legislation and support a reasonable alternative – modernization – which protects good jobs, protects public health and safety, and best serves the taxpayers and consumers,” Pennsylvania AFL-CIO President Rick Bloomingdale said.