Four Things New Union Members Need To Know When They Join Their Union

1. Your union card represents more than just you. Understand that your union card represents standards and working conditions that have been achieved by previous generations of hard-working and dedicated union members who have given blood, sweat, tears and even their lives to achieve the conditions you now enjoy. It’s your turn to preserve and advance their legacy and pay it forward to future members and generations.

2. Your voter registration card is your lifeline. In today’s volatile climate where anti-union politicians are coming out of the woodwork to get rid of unions, a union member’s right to vote for those candidates who support their union standards is often the only thing standing in the way of them and the end of their livelihood. If you don’t vote, don’t complain!

3. Your commitment to TAKE ACTION and support your union’s political agenda is required. Each union has a political and legislative agenda that goes hand in hand with protecting and procuring work and a future for its members. It’s each member’s responsibility to TAKE ACTION in SOLIDARITY to help campaign, demonstrate and participate in whatever way possible to assist your union’s political endeavors.

4. Your work ethic is paramount. In today’s environment of cost cutting and hiring non-union workers, union workers have to work even harder to provide a quality product that far exceeds the quality of non-union workers. We need to give employers a reason to always want to hire union workers.
